GOOGES' Inc...

NOW OFFERING - NVG High Precision Archery Laser Sights>>>>>>>

Compatible with
  • Browning
  • Cobra
  • PSE
  • Sight Master
  • and All Others
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  • Crossbows
  • Longbows
  • Compound Bows
  • Hunting Bows
  • Target Bows
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NVG's ARCHERY LASER SIGHTS are designed not only for hunting but also Archery, Sporting, Training and Competition Events 
Googes' have provided bow hunters worldwide with a line of high quality archery lasers for your pursuit of a more exciting and successful hunting experience.
  • Makes difficult shots easy
  • Flat Black anodized finish
  • Pinpoint accuracy
  • Compact
  • Quick, easy install
  • Long life batteries
  • Simple set screw adjustments for elevation & windage
  • Anti-spring construction
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  • Uses 635nm laser "The Hot One"
  • High efficiency laser for long battery life
  • Durable, Lightweight aluminum construction
  • Positive aim lock - Sights will stay on target
  • "SUR-C"TM Lens - Illuminates the target at dark - Only available with NVG Laser Sights
  • Provides 30 additional minutes of hunting time over conventional sight & peep models
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The "SUR-C" TM comes with all NVG's Archery Laser Sights

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B-635C  B-635U

NOW   $ 139.00



Clamp Model: Fits all metal & plastic pin guards.  Mounts inside or outside pin guard.


Universal Model: Fits any bow or bow accessoary with 1/4" hole, or a 1/4" hole can be drilled anywhere on the bow to accommodate the Universal Model.

Because the existing models are made with the consideration of all hunters' preferences in archery hardware, NVG has a laser to accommodate any hunters' need(s). The NVG archery laser is so versatile that it may be attached to virtually all styles of bows and pin guards.

For more information or to place an order contact Googe's Inc. at 912-375-5546

912-375-5546 voice 912-375-9542 fax
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